Furloughs are back for Cal Trans so we are seeing a little bit more of Tim around on Fridays. We love that he gets the time off but it is that whole paycut thing that goes along with it that is such a bummer. So this Friday we took Mia to the Paso Children’s Museum. We were given free admission from some friends for Mia’s first birthday (great gift idea by the way) so we checked it out. Mia had a lot of fun exploring and of course was fearless in every exhibit. Her favorite was the “grape stomp” i.e. giant pit filled with balls. I must admit I had a bit of a hard time in the museum thinking about all the germs. Possibly because she is at the stage where she is constantly putting her fingers in her mouth. I was actually a little surprised at how much I kept thinking about the germs as I was there. Probably too much of a germaphobe to get a season pass.
After naptime we reenergized and headed out to a winery. I have this goal of hitting every winery in town. Yes, there are over 280. Don’t know if my goal will ever be reached but we are making progress. I have my wine guide book with all our notes in it and check them off as we go. Mostly my notes say things like, “great picnic spot” or “beautiful setting” or “free tasting.” If Tim were writing his notes in my book they would be more like, “Great Cab, smooth and oaky” or “the port pairs nicely with chocolate chips.” The bummer is every year they come out with a new wine guide and 50 more wineries have popped up and I get incredibly behind again. Would you even believe that I transfer all my notes every year to the new book? I know, I am a little crazy. Oh well, it was a lofty goal to begin with. We decided to try Veris Cellars this Friday afternoon mostly because Mia napped until 5pm and they are the only winery open until 6pm. Her long napping is really hindering my check off list. Here’s what my notes said on Veris: “Beautiful setting” “6 tastes for free!” I must admit the wine was actually pretty good, and they have a driving range where you can hit golf balls into the vineyard. Check one more off the list!

The museum is in the old firehouse, so naturally they have a fire engine in there.

The “grape stomp”

Out front of Veris Cellars

Didn’t realize she was sucking on the fountain until I looked at this picture.

“Beautiful setting” “Great picnic spot”